About Me

Hi, I’m Sam!

I specialize in crafting brand narratives that connect with audiences by fusing compelling language with artful visuals. My skill set includes copywriting, graphic design, content production, content strategy, and digital marketing. My experience helps me bring a unique blend of creativity and strategic thinking to elevate brands and engage audiences effectively.


Me standing with my arms folded, giving the aura of a seemingly confident, totally normal person.


I really hate saying this, but I don’t know how to pare down what I do to one specific job title. I’m primarily a content specialist and copywriter, but I have a knack for wearing multiple hats, including graphic design, photo and video production, e-commerce content, digital asset management, UX design, creative strategy, and much more.

But I wouldn’t have it any other way— I get to focus on totally different tasks each day. By the end of the week, I end up with visually compelling, well-written, SEO-optimized, on-brand content that will change the world and connect with audiences in creative and authentic ways!

What’s that? We don’t have any budget?

cool cool cool cool cool

Anyway, I earned my degree in Writing and Rhetoric Studies from the University of Utah. While in school, I was lucky enough to intern at National Geographic, Under Armour, and Contravent. After graduating, I worked as a Content Strategist at Contravent, a Global E-Commerce Content Specialist at Stanley Black & Decker, and as a Creative and Content Specialist at LIPTON Teas and Infusions.

When I’m not shoveling coal into the capitalistic machine, I play volleyball, do yoga, forget to water my plants, golf, and hang out with Rex, my toothless senior man with moderate doggy dementia. Here he is in all his majesty:


*Talk to me, not Rex