DEWALT E-Comm Content Creation
MY ROLE: copywriter & e-comm content producer
THE PROJECT: We’ve all been on a retail site, like Amazon or Lowes, looked at a product page, and thought to ourselves, “this is kinda sketchy.” And to your credit, you could be right— there are quite a few non-authorized 3rd party sellers out there. When looking at one of these questionable product pages, you may notice random, low-quality images in the carousel, poorly written copy that leaves something to be desired, or even a plethora of lackluster reviews.
My job is to fix this. The images in the carousel?— make them sparkle. The copy?— make it make sense. The bad reviews? — read through them to see if there are any transparency issues I can solve with the content I create.
The result? A bump in conversion, better customer reviews, and a product page that actually tells a product story.