MY ROLE: lead writer
THE PROJECT: Blue Shield of California knows that resilience and persistence are necessary to achieve progress. That's why they work every day to build a better healthcare system for the good of the community. And while resilience is a great trait to have, even the most resilient need a support system when things get tough.
Director - Wray Sinclair | DP - Kyle Smolic | 1st AC - Brittani Burgess | 2nd AC - Sarah Smolic | Gaffer - Ben Trevy | Cameras - @2020 camera rental | Editor - Joe Carugati | Assistant Editor - Melanie Newton | Writer - Sam Groves | Colorist - Bree Brackett | Color Assistant - Zoe Rain Lambert | Color Producer - Natalie Westerfield | Sound Design & Mix - Collin Thomas | VO - Klaudia Bennett