Vote for Mohan Campaign Content
MY ROLE: lead copywriter & UX designer
IDEA: Why does political work have to be so dry and emotionless? Trick question— it doesn’t! Mohan Sudabattula is the youngest candidate for political office in the state of Utah’s history. So, I decided to give him some personality in a district where the only qualification to run for anything is to 1.) have a family; and 2.) talk about said family as the reason why you’re running for office.
THE RESULT: While Mohan ended up dropping out after the Democratic convention, he turned heads in the state of Utah and disrupted a largely homogenous district. While things didn’t work out the way we had hoped, his stances and our work together earned Mohan the support of:
The environmental caucus
Utah Democratic Healthcare Caucus
Utah Veterans Caucus
Utah Asian and Pacific Islander Caucus
Black Lives Matter Utah Chapter